Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Making The Moments Last

My steps are lighter
And my smile has faded

But I still won't take off
These shoes or that bracelet

I can't hear your words
But I can read them on my walls

I can't see you, but I can see that space
In my closet where my jacket belongs

I can't hear you sing, but
I can listen to the songs

I can't hold you
But He can

And I trust that our blessing
Is a part of His plan

So open your Bible
Twenty-six times

Open the blog
Twenty-six times

Put on my jacket
Twenty-six times

Put each CD in
Twenty-six times

With these things
Take each day on

Enjoying these moments
Living for these moments

Until we can
Make our own

Try to make
Them last

Until they become a part of
Our broken yet beautiful past