Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just Within Our Reach

I know nothing
Of this world

There is nothing I can
Come to understand

There is nothing
I want to understand

About this place
That left her broken

I know not of
What they know

I know nothing
Of this place

I know no reason
Only, does she love me?

I know no right and wrong
Only, will this make her happy?

The only hope I know
Is for our future

My only plan
Is to stay

I hold nothing
But her heart

I possess nothing
But the words

That rest within this tattered soul
That’s too old for this body

I have everything I need
I have everything she needs

I will take her away to a place
Where my love surpasses all of this

We will run from the world
Not out of fear

But because of the knowledge
Of something so much greater

Lying just within
Our reach