Thursday, December 30, 2010

Stop Trying to Hold It Together

I tried to keep it together
When I saw you for the first time

I tried to keep it together
The first time you smiled at me

I tried to keep it together
When I was asking you to be with me

I tried to keep it together
When I kissed you for the first time

I tried to keep it together
The first time I saw you cry

But I'm starting to realize
That I'll never be able to keep it together

And I don't think
You will either

So let's both give up
Let's both stop trying

Stop trying to hold it together
In this storm we've brought about

Stop trying to hold it together
When they try to break you apart

When they try
To break us apart

Stop trying to hold it together
When you're heart's telling you to let go

If the world crashes down around us
If my love's all you can see

Just fall apart in my arms
I'll hold you together

I'll hold us together

Saturday, December 25, 2010


From a friend...

It’s so cold inside
When pretty soon there will be nowhere else to hide
From what everyone else thinks of me
Because it’s so plain to see
What I am isn’t what you expected
Don’t be so quick to reject it

It’s a cold world
When you’re all alone
She’s just another girl
That I brought home
Doesn’t mean she’s here to stay
But I have to say
I’m just not likely to change

Tears in my eyes
As I asked her to stay
Covered the facts with lies
And then just threw me away
If you weren’t happy
Then neither was I
There will be someone else
But for me it won’t be a guy

It’s a cold world
When you’re all alone
She’s just another girl
That I brought home
Doesn’t mean she’s here to stay
But I have to say
I’m just not likely to change

I’m coming out
I can hide it anymore
I’m gonna shout
No fear or remorse
I’m living my life
The best I know how
I know I’m right
Because everyone knows now

It’s a cold world
When you’re all alone
She’s just another girl
That I brought home
Doesn’t mean she’s here to stay
But I have to say
I’m just not likely to change

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Miss Everything When It Snows

I asked you
For a butterfly

But what it took me
So long to realize

Was that you
Sent me snow


And now I remember
That we had two reasons

For loving
The snow

One was because
It had become ours

We took something
That the rest

Of the world
Was experiencing

And made it
Our own

A marker of the first day
Of the rest of our lives

But now I remember
That we thanked you guys

That morning when
We woke up

Is that why you
Sent it that day?

Were you trying
To give me hope?

Or were you trying
To help me let go?

To help me start the first day
Of the rest of my life?

What would the two of you
Say if you were here?

I feel as though you would have
Never wanted us to fall apart

That you would have felt that it
Was too soon for us to leave each other

Just as we felt it was
Too soon for you to leave us

Without You

Without you
I feel

Like a runner
With a broken leg

Like a student
Without a mind

Like a writer
Without a pen

Like a counselor
Without empathy

Like a Christian
Without a soul

Like a friend
With nothing to give

Like a lover
Without a heart

I can't help but feel
That this is slowly

What I'm becoming
Without you

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wasted on Someone Else

I'm honestly sorry
For everything

Even the slightest
Bad things that happened

Even the slightest
Pain I caused you

I will be the first
To say I wasn't perfect

But know that I never
Wanted to cause you harm

And I would have given anything
To make you happy. Anything.

And I still would
To this day

I never wanted
To hurt you

I know why
You left me

And I can honestly say
That I have truly changed

I don't say that with expectations
That you'll come back

But just to let you
In on the truth

I am not that
Person anymore

I would never be
Depressed with you again

You would never
Have to experience that

So I'm not asking
For you to come back

But I am saying that you're reason
For leaving no longer exists

That person
No longer exists

I know I can be better
Given the chance

And I would hate for that
To be wasted on someone else

What is Love?

I tell myself
To hold on

Just another day
Just another moment

To survive just
A little longer

But what am I
Holding on to?

What do I have left
To keep me going?

What is life
Without love?

What is love
Without life?

What is love
Without mutuality?

What good
Does it do?

What is my love worth
Without you being there

To love me
Like I loved you?

Can't Live Without Dying

You told me to end
My desire for numbness

Telling me that
If I achieved it

I wold be desperate for
Any feeling, even pain

I don't know if you were
Just looking out for me

Or if you honestly
Thought you were right

If you honestly had never
Experienced pain like this

A pain so great
A pain so overwhelming

That only numbness
Can mask it

And even hat
Does a mediocre job

Yes, I do
Desire feeling

But I can no longer
Feel without pain

My heart can't
Beat without breaking

I can't live
Without dying

That Day

I can't tell you
The day I'll die

But I can tell you
The day I stopped living

I can't tell you the day
My heart will stop beating

But I can tell you the day
It was broken beyond repair

The day I was
Broken beyond repair

I can't tell you the day
My soul will enter heaven

But I can tell you the day
It left my body

There isn't much
Left of me

If you ask me what
I can no longer do

I will
Say "nothing"

But on the
Same note

If you ask me
What I can do

With passion
With soul

I will
Say "nothing"

I am alive, but
I am not living

My heart is
Still beating

But I wish
It would stop

I see no reason for
Why I am still breathing