Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh, to be able to go back...

You count her backward steps
As she makes her way back into the room
Her bag slips out of her hand
Her shoes slip off of her feet

The painful words reenter her mouth
The tears make their way back into both of your eyes
Her ring bounces off of your chest and back into her hand
Then she slips it back onto her finger

Your hands fall back down to your sides
Your words of desperation make their way back into your mouth
You watch her backward steps until she is sitting on the edge of the bed
Your body immediately follows and is hurled back beside her because you jumped at the sound of those words

But this time the words “I can’t do this anymore” never make their way out of her mouth
Her body falls back down against the bed
Rolls over as she faces you
You looking into her eyes and her into yours