Sunday, November 14, 2010

One in the Same

It doesn't have to
Be this way

How did "our" friends go
From being caught

In the middle
To not even being able

To look at me
When I pass by

How did they go
From supporting me

And telling me
That you were the one

Who made the mistake
To joining in your fight

To tear my life apart
Piece by piece

Are you really that persuasive?
Do I really seem that dishonest?

I just can't imagine that they
Have been playing me this whole time

But then again
I would have never imagined

That you could
Turn on me like this

Maybe I should
Start imagining

Maybe your cynicism caused you
To betray the hopeless romantic

Or do we even know
Which one caused the other?

Maybe being a cynic
And a betrayed hopeless romantic

Are one in the same